We ship with from our warehouse in Portugal. All shipments are fully insured and trackable. Shipments in Europe usually in 3-5 days, world usually in 5-10 days. Under certain circumstances we can ship to Packstations, Post Offices or other automated parcel collection services. Please contact us about this before ordering.
GERMANY 5,50€ (free from 150€)
EU from 7,00€ (free from 250€)

from 16,00€ (free from 450€)

SWITZERLAND 19,50€ + 0,00€ IMPORT TAX! (free from 250€)

EU - some smaller EU states or autonomous regions of EU states may not be included - contact us first if you are unsure
World - if your country is not selectable, it doesn't mean we can't ship there - please contact us!

For any incorrectly entered address or contact details that has to be corrected after the order is shipped, we reserve the right to charge a 10,00€ correction fee.


If you’re not happy with your ordered items or they do not fit you can return them to us. You assume return shipping costs unless we’ve made a mistake or an item is faulty (See Sustainability for why we don't offer free returns).

If you do send by mail, we advise you to do so with a service that provides tracking, proof of delivery and/or purchase shipping insurance. We are not responsible for lost returns.

IMPORTANT: we advise you NOT to use DHL for your returns for the following reasons; 1) DHL will not always accept your return shipment in our reusable shipping bags (RePack & the compostable ones); 2) DHL often don't even try to deliver to us, rather simply send the return back to sender, meaning more costs for you! USE DHL AT YOUR OWN RISK!

After receiving your return, we will refund the amount paid for the returned items to your original payment method.

If you return your complete order, we refund the shipping costs that you paid. If your order was applicable for free shipping and you return part of your order resulting in the remaining order not being applicable for free shipping, we reserve the right to subtract shipping costs from your reimbursement.

Returns must be announced to us within 14 days of receiving your order. See Terms for more and this information in German.

Send returns to:

MONKIND (Returns)
Rua Dr. Marcelino Franco 42

8800-347 Tavira


*RETURNS FROM NON-EU COUNTRIES: to reduce the risk of lengthy customs delays, we highly recommend using the original carrier to return.