MONKIND’s primary principles: sustainability, environmentalism, fairness and transparency. This was how we started in 2014 and has not changed since. We’re not “glory environmentalists” and we don’t greenwash!
The textile industry is the second biggest polluter in the world, closely behind oil. Unfortunately we don’t hear this enough from other brands and companies within the industry.
We all like to have nice things, but considering this fact mentioned above, MONKIND tries to achieve this in a way that has the smallest possible impact on our planet and ALL that we share it with.
We produce in Portugal, exclusively using materials that are certified under the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS), or at least Öko-Tex. GOTS controls, monitors and ensures the whole chain is organic and acts in a socially and culturally responsible way – from the cotton field to the bag the finished garment is packed in, and of course everything in between. We are also moving towards using more innovative and sustainable materials, as overcultivation leaves entire regions desolated, resulting in a reduction of global cotton supplies.
Our clothes are made to last and passed down to siblings, friends or family. Many of our designs have features that allow the garment to grow with your child to increase longevity and wear-time.
Our clothes are “Approved Vegan” by PeTa – a first for our field. We won the “Best Fashion Kids” in the PeTa Vegan Fashion Awards in 2020.
The bags we use to pack the finished items in are made from recycled plastic. We use only electricity created from renewable energy sources, as well as recycled paper and boxes in the office and warehouse.

Being a member of the UN Global Compact means we actively support and contribute to a just and sustainable economy along the guidelines of the 10 leading principles of the United Nations. We set annual goals for sustainability and forge strategies to achieve them, thereafter participating in annual reporting and review. We’re proud to be a part of this movement, which has the aim to:
- promote transparency
- continually improve business activities
- ensure the integrity of the UN Global Compact and the United Nations
- promote mutual learning by spreading good practices
Our main markets are in northern Europe, so we ship all our items from our warehouse in Berlin with companies who offset their carbon footprint. We also offer a direct, next-day local courier delivery in Berlin, to reduce unnecessary transport to and from out-of-city depots and sorting centres.
We only offer plastic free, sustainable and reusable packaging: shipping with Boomerang Mehrwegverpackung, as well as our 100% compostable mailer bags.
The growing trend of “return-culture” is something that worries us. Each year in the US around $400 billion worth of goods are returned (that’s more than half of the total amount of European e-commerce revenue in 2017!) and sadly, the majority of these goods end up in landfill. This is not just an American thing: Wirtschaftswoche – Amazon shreds returns (in German). In an attempt to reduce returns and unnecessary travel of items, we don’t offer free returns. Instead we provide sizing tables, so you can be sure that the size you are purchasing is the right one for you! Additionally, our mantra is always if you’re not sure, buy a size up!
We advise you to buy consciously only quality items. Please support smaller brands and companies that share your beliefs. We cannot ignore the fact that our industry is the second biggest polluter in the world. We have always acknowledged this fact and have constantly strived to reduce our impact in this very dirty industry since 2014.
Below are some of the standards and certifications we work with:
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